Monday, July 20, 2009

Ski Trip Dalam Kenangan

Here, just wanna share some the photos taken during the ski trip....Really miss the moment, where we're together, witnessing the Allah's creation.. In Al-Quran, there is a eveidence on how Allah create the snow. Refer surah An-Nur, sentence of 43..Be grateful because we're chosen by Allah to feel His snow..


salwamarzuki said...

" Really miss the moment, where we're together, witnessing the Allah's creation.. "

that's why we insisted you to join the trip. we have experienced the joy of being together, travel together and of course we really want you to feel the same or even more.

no more excuse next time ok?

looking forward for next trip. nak pegi mana eh??

ctjuliana said...

nk rse jugak! huhuh..
bile ko nk blnje aku g sne nih!

'Iffah Ilham Khalilah Ramlee said...

sampai hati tak de gambo ku dalam ni...sob sob sob...