Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Actually, tak tahu apa motif cerita ni. It's like nk beri pengajaran, but somehow, macam mengajar budak-budak on how to be a gangster. So, probably it totally depends on the watchers's aim. If diorang nak ambil pengajaran, thats good. But if it the other way round, nauzubillah~

Well, so far, Zahiril Adzim is great! Lakonan baek punye. *plause2*. the latest episode is episode 3. Can't wait for the next! Tak sabar nk tgk Botak kalah ngn Jambu Apek. lol. Okay. Got to go to Uni. So many stuffs have to be done! Plus final tests! Later. daaa~

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